Women's Wednesday Morning Bridge
Name of Group: Women's Wednesday Morning Bridge
Contact for Group (REQUIRED): Jolene Skoglund
Alternative Contact for Group (REQUIRED): Carol Galvin
Total number of Members: ___8-12____
Space Preference (not guaranteed): 1st: __HR____ 2nd: __MDR____ 3rd: ___Oaks______ ☐No preference
(Heritage Room, Oaks Room, Main Dining Room)
Day of Week Space Requested: 1st: __Wednesday__ 2nd: _______________ 3rd: ______________ ☐No preference
Meeting Frequency during Month: ☐ Once ☐Twice ☐3 Times ☒4 Times
Week of each Month (e.g., 2nd Wed): 1st: ______________ 2nd: _______________ 3rd: ______________ ☐No preference
Month(s) Space Requested: ☐Year-Round ☒Jan ☒Feb ☒Mar ☒ Apr ☐May ☐June ☐July ☐Aug ☐Sept ☒Oct ☒Nov ☒Dec
Stop and End Times (**Include set up/clean up time): Start time: 9AM End time: NOON
Will Food/Drink be Purchased from the Club during space usage: ☐Yes ☒No
(If yes, please contact the Clubhouse Manager or Banquet Manager for arrangements.)
For your meeting, will a Zoom link & the "Owl" be needed: Yes ☐ No☒
Complete this form and email it to [email protected]