Summer closed days/aerification schedule:

Open Golf

Summer closed days/aerification schedule:

- June 17 – 30

- July 29 – 30

- August 26 – 27


Some of the things that we will be doing during these times are:

- Complete core aerification of the greens with 5/8" tines.

- Verti-cutting of all tees and fairways.

- Deep tine aerification of all the fairways.

- Shallow core aerification of fairways that tend to stay a little wetter.

- Top dressing of fairways.

- Finishing the portion of the fairway drainage that we did not get completed last summer on holes 4 & 8.

- Removal of dead trees throughout the golf course.


I will be updating those members who are not going to be here this summer with videos that will show what we are up to. I would like to personally thank the membership for all the support this    season.


Todd Steward, Golf Course Superintendent