Gems - MJ

Event Date:

Event Time:
1:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Social Events

Club House

Name of Group:   Gems - MJ


Contact for Group (REQUIRED):   Bette Johnson


Alternative Contact for Group (REQUIRED):  SunMi Lang  


Total number of Members: _______10______


Space Preference (not guaranteed): 1st: ____HR_______ 2nd: _____MDR______ 3rd: _____Oaks_____ No preference
(Heritage Room, Oaks Room, Main Dining Room)


Day of Week Space Requested: 1st: __Tuesday______ 2nd: _______________ 3rd: ______________ No preference


Meeting Frequency during Month: Once  Twice  3 Times  4 Times


Week of each Month (e.g., 2nd Wed): 1st: ______________ 2nd: _______________ 3rd: ______________ No preference


Month(s) Space Requested: Year-Round  Jan    Feb    Mar    Apr    May    June    July    Aug    Sept  Oct    Nov    Dec


Stop and End Times (**Include set up/clean up time):  Start time:   1PM                    End time:  3:30PM


Will Food/Drink be Purchased from the Club during space usage:  Yes         No Lunch at 19th hole prior to play

(If yes, please contact the Clubhouse Manager or Banquet Manager for arrangements.)


For your meeting, will a Zoom link & the "Owl" be needed:  Yes            No